6 Reasons to Keep your Chin up RN

Tough times don’t define us, they REFINE us.

Punk Money
5 min readOct 19, 2020

It’s a minefield out there, but you don’t need us to tell you that. Sometimes though it helps just acknowledging tough times collectively, then somehow our mindset shifts to embracing the challenge rather than buckling under the strain. Since the coronavirus outbreak in March, life has been thrown upside down but in true punk style, what do we do when life gives us lemons? We make a fresh batch of lemonade of course.

Here’s some reasons why keeping your chin up is the most important thing you can do RN.

It’s good for you

When we choose to look on the bright side of life despite tough times there is a positive knock on effect that occurs. We boost the flow of feel-good hormones naturally which has countless amazing effects enhancing our physical and mental health. When we choose to focus on the positives, no matter how small they may seem we create new neural pathways in the brain which over time creates a more optimistic outlook on life. This allows us to face challenges with more ease and helps to combat overwhelm.

It’s always brightest after the darkness

It ain’t no cliche. Tough times are a harsh reality of the human experience, pain comes to us all at some point or another but how we deal with these challenges and emotions dictates our level of suffering. Tough times make us stronger, more resilient and resourceful. Challenges make us stronger, wiser and much more compassionate human beings. In many ways this is our generation’s equivalent of a world war as the world has descended into crisis and chaos. To quote John Green ‘without pain, how could we know joy?’. The wisdom of our ancestors didn’t come about through plain sailing and endless happy days, remember that next time life gets too much.

We’re all in it together

In a world brimming with filtered IG feeds and highlight reels our current situation has brought to the fore that life isn’t always a bed of roses. Far from it, life can be challenging and the current situation means we’re all level pegging in many ways. Crisis brings about contemplation and the world is in a kind of collective existential crisis — both the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ of society are facing the same uncertainty. The rich may worry that their money may dry up and the poor may be anxious that their hours will be cut and left wondering whether they have enough to make it through the month. Empathy unites us, putting ourselves in the shoes of another kickstarts the potential for solutions, whichever side of the coin we’re on.

Immune system booster

We mentioned above that a positive attitude has countless health benefits and in the midst of the current chaos keeping calm really does help us to carry on. Research shows that when we activate our rest and relax nervous system setting our immune system is significantly stronger and therefore able to fight off infections naturally. Setting aside time each day to do something which is relaxing for you, whether this be a morning stroll, a daily yoga or meditation practise is worth its weight in gold.

You create a chain reaction

Positive energy is contagious (in a good way). We get to decide each morning ‘I am going to approach the day with a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?’. In other words do I choose to embrace the challenges that I may bump up against during the day or do I let external factors dictate my state of inner peace? When we choose to be an optimist prime we also make the choice to positively impact those we come into contact with. Whether that’s the dog walker we pass in the park or the bus driver who gives us our ticket. Every positive action contributes to the vibration of the outer world. When we create positive change within our families and then communities this ripples out and has the potential to make a massive impact. Small steps create BIG change.

Get to imagine a better future

The thing about a crisis is that it brings people together, it presents a blank slate. A crisis is the point at which it’s recognised that something is broken and that things can’t carry on as they have been. Right now outdated power structures within society are crumbling and long-standing issues that have previously been brushed under the carpet are being exposed. Obscene greed and inequality has been brought into the spotlight and purged from our reality. We get to imagine a better future — a future that we imagine our children thriving in and proud to be a part of. Right now we’ve been handed a golden ticket, gifted a shot at creating what we wish existed. That change starts today, it starts with us. Being better, doing better and believing in better for humanity and for the world.

We hope this message has brightened your day, even if it’s just a smidge. If someone springs to mind who may need to hear this today please share it with them. Like we say every small action creates a long-term BIG impact.

Until next time keep soldiering on Punk comrade.



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